Upcoming events.
Experience God’s presence, night of prayer and worship for the whole church.Refreshments from 5:30 pm, 6pm start.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13
For those involved in worship & pa, ACROSS THE SOUTH WEST. worship, teaching, seminars & practical workshops, with guest speakers.
Doors open 9.30am, finish 4.30pm.
Day tickets £5,
Ticket includes entry to evening praise night.
For more information contact amy.symons@grosvenorchurch.org.uk
Grab your tickets now - https://grosvenorchurch.churchsuite.com/events/p6gac85v
Open to everyone, all churches.
Tickets are free, but need to be booked in advance. Booking link - https://grosvenorchurch.churchsuite.com/events/l2hxom7q
6.30pm doors open | 7pm start | 9pm finish
For more information contact amy.symons@grosvenorchurch.org.uk
Christmas Day Lunch
Members of churches across Barnstaple will be opening Grosvenor Church on Christmas Day to serve a free traditional Christmas lunch to anyone from the local community or church, who, for whatever reason, may find themselves without the company of loved ones.
The meal will be served at 12 noon.This will also include friendly conversation, a quiz and other entertainment.
At 10am there will be a 45 minute Carol Service at the church and you are most welcome to come to that and stay on for the lunch.
Anyone wanting lunch will need to book their place by one of the following ways:
Phone: 07938 707766
Email: susie.brown@grosvenorchurch.org.uk
Lifts are available on request.
Please join us - you will be most welcome!
All-age Carol Service
Join us for our 'all age' carol service. Children will be invited to dress up as nativity characters and take part in our service.
Refreshments start from 10am.
Tale Trail - A Christmas Quest
A fun filled family afternoon including an exciting quest, craft, games, a very special performance, refreshments and much more.
Aimed at Primary aged children (older/younger welcome)
CHILD £2 / ADULT £3 / 65+ £2 / Under 1 Free
Tickets available on churchsuite - https://grosvenorchurch.churchsuite.com/events/69brnk5l
ELEVATE invites you to our ‘JOY TO THE WORLD’ Christmas special. Carols, waffle bar, hot chocolates, bratwursts, festive fun and cafe. All ages are welcome.
North Devon Hospice Carol Service
Join us for the Light up a Life Carol Service here on 6th December. Tim Gilbert will be speaking. Do bring family and friends and especially anyone who has lost a loved one. There will be refreshments and mince pies served after the service. All proceeds will go to North Devon Hospice.
United Generation is a united youth celebration in North Devon.
It's a great chance to meet and celebrate with hundreds of other young Christians, learn more about God & it's a great place to invite your friends who don't yet know Jesus.
Join us on Saturday 12th October for live worship, teaching and a ton of fun. More info coming soon! Head to their socials to find out more - https://www.facebook.com/unitedgenerationnorthdevon2022
Are you new to our church family? Join us for a cooked lunch and pudding on Sunday 15th September after our church service. We would love to get to know you and your family. For more information or to book your place, email - enquires@grosvenorchurch.org.uk
Sunday the 19th is ’Try Church’ Sunday. We are going to fling open our church doors, have some special refreshments, gear our service to those who don’t usually do church and we would encourage you all to invite your friends, family, work colleagues and neighbours to ’Try Church’ on that day. Our heart is to create a space where unchurched people can be warmly welcomed, meet our lovely church family and experience God’s presence.
On Saturday the 18th of May Churches are encouraged to do something to bless their local community. We are still working through what this may look like for us, more details to follow!
LOVE SOUTH WEST | Worship & Prayer Night
On the 17th of May local churches across North Devon are meeting together for a big ‘Kingdom Come” worship and prayer event. We are really happy to be hosting this event at Grosvenor Barnstaple. As the name suggests we will be contending for the region as churches together and it promises to be quite a night!
Space is limited so please get booking asap. There are also some costs associated with this event but we really do not want the ticket price to be a barrier for anyone. Please feel free to use the following ‘special promotional code for a free ticket.
To book your ticket please click on the link below.